Critical Medievalism

Mittelalterzentrum der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (TT-Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen / Prof. Dr. Racha Kirakosian)
TT-Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen / Prof. Dr. Racha Kirakosian
Max-Kade-Auditorium 2 / via Zoom
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26.10.2022 - 01.02.2023
Eva von Contzen, Englisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

This lecture series is devoted to contexts in which medieval culture has been used, misused, and appropriated in later periods. Our aim is to scrutinise and reflect on the ways in which aspects of medieval culture (symbols, ideas, narratives, historical events) have been taken up in later periods and to what extent these aspects have become instrumental in shaping our view both of the medieval past and on contemporary culture.

Critical Medievalism

Lecture Series

This lecture series is devoted to contexts in which medieval culture has been used, misused, and appropriated in later periods. ‘Medievalism’ is the study of the reception of the Middle Ages in post-medieval times, which our speakers approach from a decidedly critical perspective. Our aim is to scrutinise and reflect on the ways in which aspects of medieval culture (symbols, ideas, narratives, and historical events) have been taken up in later periods and to what extent these aspects have become instrumental in shaping our view both of the medieval past and on contemporary culture.


26th October 2022, 12–14 c.t.
Michael Ott (Ruhr-Universität Bochum):
Mediävalistik – Mittelaltergermanistik als Gegenwartswissenschaft

9th November 2022, 14–16 c.t.
Mary Rambaran-Olm (University of Toronto):
Weaponizing Medievalism: A Tool for Racism in and out of the Academy

23rd November 2022, 12–14 c.t.
Przemyslaw Marciniak (University of Silesia, Katowice / LMU München):
Fantastic Byzantium: The Imagery of the Eastern Empire in Speculative Fiction

7th December 2022, 10–12 c.t.
Helen Young (Deakin University, Melbourne):
Knights and Vikings: Extremist Icons

18th January 2023, 18–20 c.t.
Lisa Lampert-Weissig (University of California San Diego):
Deep Dive Diachronic, Time Travel Teaching, and the Situated Scholar

1st February 2023, 12–14 c.t.
Valentin Groebner (Universität Luzern):
Sehnsucht nach dem Echten. Wie «ursprünglich» muss das Mittelalter im 21. Jahrhundert sein?

